How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

Remove H2O And the Skeeters should Go

You may not be able to get rid of mosquitoes entirely, but you can help keep them away with a combination of tips for around the home and the right products. In addition to stagnant water where they breed, mosquitoes are attracted to perspiration, body heat, and the carbon dioxide given off by your breath. Which means the first step in fighting mosquitoes is to eliminate the things they’re attracted to. And since we don’t recommend you stay inside all summer, a personal mosquito repellent or an area insecticide can also help if you want to enjoy the outdoors.

Water, Water, Everywhere

Mosquitoes Love Standing Water. Avoid Them With These Tips:

  • Do not let large sources of standing water such as kiddie pools sit out for long periods of time
  • Make sure your bird bath has clean water, and dump or remove if necessary
  • Remove leaves and debris from gutters to ensure water flows freely
  • If you have a fish pond, be sure the water filter operates efficiently to keep the water moving
How to Avoid Mosquitoes
mosquito profile

Don’t Be a Mosquito Magnet

Stay indoors during dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active. Avoid dark places, bushes, and tall grass since mosquitoes seek resting areas that have low airflow.

Dress to Impress

Wear pants and long sleeve shirts when you know mosquitoes are nearby. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark coloured clothing, so opt for lighter colors when you go outside.

Armed for Battle

Indoors, use Raid® Mosquito and Fly Killer to kill mosquitoes, flies, and other flying insects.

Outdoors,  you can use a product like OFF!(R) Area Bug Spray Yard & Deck to kill mosquitoes that enter your yard. Learn more about this product.

Expert Tip

Keep mosquitoes from coming inside your home. Check your window and door screens for tears or holes, use central air or air conditioning, and don’t keep the windows open.

Did you know?

Only female mosquitoes bite. They use your blood to produce more eggs!

Did you know?

Adult mosquitoes emerge 10-14 days after the eggs are laid. That’s why it’s important to remove standing water right away!

Defend your Home

The Raid® Defence System uses a combination of product options and tips that work together to better battle bugs in your home. Each System is customized, so you can ATTACK and CONTROL bugs with ease.